Seasons of Life
Elemental Personality Type
The Five Phase Model
The Five Phase Model of the seasons of life come from traditional Chinese medicine and Qigong presents a theory that encourages personal harmony with the movement of the seasons. It defines personality with a description of the evolution of our being and places it into a framework for healing, for understanding ourselves and others. This model forms the basis for the self development seminars presented in this series.
Personality Orientations or Types
Self-Development is Vital
Types of Phases
For example, the wood phase represents all the qualities of spring: growth and self-development, direction and carrying out purpose in light of a natural plan that corresponds to conscious wishes. For us it involves making plans and setting goals, acting on our choices and timing our actions. Behind these actions are positive expectations, the capacity to perceive and build structure, and the wisdom to carry out our purposes.
About Seasons in Our Life
Dr. Durana has provided practical, integrative, holistic services since 1980 in acupuncture, body therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, life/wellness coaching, and counseling.
Our Locations
4915 St. Elmo Ave.
Suite #504 - Room 7A
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 654-0080
1875 Campus Commons
Suite 210 - Room 11A
Reston, Virginia 20191
(703) 716-0906
1625 K. Street NW
Suite 375B
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 906-0533
2265 Cedar Cove Ct.
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 716-0906