(703) 716-0906 (703) 620-0420

Therapeutic Services

Seasons In Our Life provides therapeutic services including, but not limited to, Life Coaching, Acupuncture Therapy, Body Therapy, Holistic Nutrition, and Qigong.


Acupuncture therapy is traditionally a Chinese medicine practice that alleviates the blockage and improves the flow of energy in the body. Dr. Durana has been practicing acupuncture for over 25 years and has improved the lives of many patients by relaxing the human body to treat pain, injury, trauma, headaches, back pain, and more.

Manual Therapies (Cranio-Sacral)

The manual therapies are a combination of methods that include cranio – sacral therapy, structural acupressure, tuina, structural and energy methods. Dr. Durana has developed and integrated energetic approaches that can be applied to pain, injury, sports issues, self development and more.

Chinese Medicine & Holistic Nutrition

Holistic nutrition is essential to develop a well balanced diet to increase the level of energy and positive mood. Dr. Durana can provide Chinese medicine recommendations that improve the well being of all patients. Chinese medicine can include, but is not limited to, herbs, leaves, roots, stems, flowers, tea, and more.

Life Coaching & Counseling

With an extensive background in life coaching and life counseling, Dr. Durana has optimized his approach to assist patients in improving their personal relationships and achieving their goals. Dr. Durana is passionate about providing life counseling that encourages all to be committed to excellence, which has translated into an improvement of personal integrity and personal growth.


Qigong is a series of exercises and movements such as meditation, controlled breathing techniques, and movement exercises to channel your inner energy, breath, and spirit. Qigong practices can improve the health of the immune system, nervous system, and internal organs to reduce stress and improve stability.

About Seasons in Our Life

Dr. Durana has provided practical, integrative, holistic services since 1980 in acupuncture, body therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, life/wellness coaching, and counseling.

Our Locations

4915 St. Elmo Ave.
Suite #504 - Room 7A
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 654-0080

1875 Campus Commons
Suite 210 - Room 11A
Reston, Virginia 20191
(703) 716-0906

1625 K. Street NW
Suite 375B
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 906-0533

2265 Cedar Cove Ct.
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 716-0906