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Seasons In Our Life Blog

The Seasons In Our Live blog has a variety of topics and information for consideration. The topics are based on Qigong, acupuncture, life coaching, and much more .

Acupuncture Effective for Back Pain

By Dr. Carlos Durana | February 22, 2013 | Acupuncture, News

Americans spend a great deal of money dealing with back pain. It has been estimated that over $37 billion is spent annually for the care of back pain along with another $19.8 billion incurred from losses in production and work…

Acupuncture for Migraines

By Dr. Carlos Durana | January 22, 2013 | Acupuncture, News

Millions of people suffer from migraines daily. A migraine headache is a severe pain that may be experienced on one or both sides of the head. Some may experience sensitivity to sound, light and feelings of nausea, or vomiting. Acupuncture…