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Acupuncture for Breeched Babies?

In a study published in the Journal of Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine (April, 2004), two hundred and forty women carrying a fetus in breech presentation were randomly assigned to a treatment group (acupuncture done on UB67 with moxibustion) and an observation group....

Acupuncture Effective for Back Pain

Americans spend a great deal of money dealing with back pain. It has been estimated that over $37 billion is spent annually for the care of back pain along with another $19.8 billion incurred from losses in production and work hours. Acupuncture Treatment for Back...

Acupuncture for Migraines

Millions of people suffer from migraines daily. A migraine headache is a severe pain that may be experienced on one or both sides of the head. Some may experience sensitivity to sound, light and feelings of nausea, or vomiting. Acupuncture therapy has been used in...