Seasons In Our Life Blog
The Seasons In Our Live blog has a variety of topics and information for consideration. The topics are based on Qigong, acupuncture, life coaching, and much more .
“It sifts from leaden Sieves” It sifts from leaden Sieves— It powders all the Wood. It fills with Alabaster Wool The Wrinkles of the Road— It makes an Even face Of Mountain and of Plain— Unbroken Forehead from the East…
Abandon In Spring one sleeps absent to morning Then everywhere hears the birds singing: After all night the voice of the storm And petals fell — who knows how many? Li Po (701-762 A.D.) Looking at Springtime In fallen States…
Helpful Hints for Spring
1. Spend time outside noticing energy and movement of spring as things grow and bloom. Notice the creative and flexible adaptation of plants and trees as they more life forward. 2. Liver/ball bladder energies influence our dreams. By listening to our dreams…
Helpful Hints for Late Summer
Remember the main themes of the workshop: centering, sympathy, equality and balance. These movements and principles of life engender security, nurturing, bonding, productivity or generativity and grounded thinking. 1. Centering: What helps you regain your center? Do you meditate,practice qigong,…
6 Stages of Change: Taking Control of Your Life One Step at a Time
Making important changes in our lives can sometimes be more difficult than we think. To make lasting changes occur, we need to see the steps it takes to get to the goal, not just the single decision to act. Making…
Boosting Fitness and Improving Sports Performance
When Kobe Bryant tweets a picture of acupuncture needles in his leg, you know it’s time to consider how acupuncture treatment and Chinese medicine can help improve your sports performance. All athletes and coaches are involved in an ongoing search…
Body Work, Acupuncture and Exercise in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Resulting from Injuries
As we age, our postures worsen, and our muscles and the fascia that binds them become shorter and tighter. These patterns create weaknesses, reduce our mobility and range of motion, and cause compensations that increase the risk of injuries. There…
Mediterranean diet, health and longevity
The Mediterranean diet favors large amounts of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, olive oil, seeds, nuts and fish. The diet also includes red wine (in moderation) and small amounts of dairy products and red meat. A comprehensive review of the…
Acupuncture for Childbirth
Acupuncture and Pregnancy Acupuncture therapy in Reston and Chinese medicine can provide a safe and effective form of treatment for many problems that arise before, during and after pregnancy. Acupuncture treatment and Chinese medicine support, strengthen, and balance overall health…
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Menopause
Menopause is a natural transitional period in a woman’s life. As the body tries to adjust to decreasing amounts of estrogen, symptoms arise. Varying from mild to severe, these may include hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, mood swings, vaginal dryness,…
Acupuncture: Repetitive stress injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) are responsible for the highest number of days lost in work-related injuries. Carpal tunnel injuries account for over two-million visits to physician’s offices; it is estimated that there are about four…
Acupuncture for Breeched Babies?
In a study published in the Journal of Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine (April, 2004), two hundred and forty women carrying a fetus in breech presentation were randomly assigned to a treatment group (acupuncture done on UB67 with moxibustion) and an…