(703) 716-0906 (703) 620-0420

Seasons In Our Life Blog

The Seasons In Our Live blog has a variety of topics and information for consideration. The topics are based on Qigong, acupuncture, life coaching, and much more .

What is Qigong?

What is Qigong?

Qigong has been described as a mind-body-spirit practice that works to improve an individual's mental and physical health. This is accomplished...

About Seasons in Our Life

Dr. Durana has provided practical, integrative, holistic services since 1980 in acupuncture, body therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, life/wellness coaching, and counseling.

Our Locations

4915 St. Elmo Ave.
Suite #504 - Room 7A
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 654-0080

1875 Campus Commons
Suite 210 - Room 11A
Reston, Virginia 20191
(703) 716-0906

1625 K. Street NW
Suite 375B
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 906-0533

2265 Cedar Cove Ct.
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 716-0906