by Dr. Carlos Durana | Jun 30, 2016 | News, Stress/Mind-body connection
Stress is a fact of life; it is our response to internal and external stressors. In my acupuncture Washington DC practice I see that many people are not equipped with effective coping strategies for dealing with stress. Billions of dollars are spent every year in the...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Jun 23, 2016 | Health / Prevention / Coping with illness, News
The role of inflammation in the formation of plaques that can lead to heart diseases and heart attacks has been documented in numerous research studies. Exercise plays a role in health and prevention by helping your body clear free radicals that cause inflammation and...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Jun 14, 2016 | News, Nutrition/Chinese Herbs
In my acupuncture practice in Washington DC, I recommend a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. Epidemiological studies have shown the Mediterranean diet to be anti-inflammatory and helpful in nutrition and health care value. It is high in vegetables, fruits,...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Jun 7, 2016 | Coping With Illness, News
Chinese Medicine focuses on achieving health and well-being through the cultivation of harmony in our lives. In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are internal and external factors that contribute to disharmony and illness. Internal factors include emotions; for...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Apr 29, 2016 | Mindfulness/Meditation, News
These exercises may be performed one at a time or a number of them in sequence. These practices develop our ability to witness our inner life with compassion. Be fully present to your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Notice rising and falling of abdomen...