by Dr. Carlos Durana | Apr 29, 2016 | Acupuncture, News
Abandon In Spring one sleeps absent to morning Then everywhere hears the birds singing: After all night the voice of the storm And petals fell — who knows how many? Li Po (701-762 A.D.) Looking at Springtime In fallen States hills and streams are found, Cities have...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Apr 29, 2016 | Acupuncture, News
1. Spend time outside noticing energy and movement of spring as things grow and bloom. Notice the creative and flexible adaptation of plants and trees as they more life forward. 2. Liver/ball bladder energies influence our dreams. By listening to our dreams more...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Apr 29, 2016 | Acupuncture, News
Remember the main themes of the workshop: centering, sympathy, equality and balance. These movements and principles of life engender security, nurturing, bonding, productivity or generativity and grounded thinking. 1. Centering: What helps you regain your center? ...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Mar 22, 2016 | Acupuncture, Coaching/Counseling, Mindfulness/Meditation, News, Relationships/Intimacy
Making important changes in our lives can sometimes be more difficult than we think. To make lasting changes occur, we need to see the steps it takes to get to the goal, not just the single decision to act. Making a choice to try acupuncture therapy, manual therapy or...
by Dr. Carlos Durana | Aug 8, 2015 | Acupuncture, Body Therapies, Energy Medicine, Fitness/Exercise, News
When Kobe Bryant tweets a picture of acupuncture needles in his leg, you know it’s time to consider how acupuncture treatment and Chinese medicine can help improve your sports performance. All athletes and coaches are involved in an ongoing search for ways to improve...