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What does Chinese Medicine Include?

What does Chinese Medicine Include?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a set of ancient Chinese medical practices, which got its foundation from Taoist beliefs that were established over 4,000 years ago.  Those that practiced TCM were focused on the interrelated processes of the human body, operating...
The Wonderful Art of Acupuncture

The Wonderful Art of Acupuncture

There was a time when acupuncture therapy was something that very few people had any knowledge of and most had little desire to learn more about the seemingly mysterious service. Now acupuncture has moved into mainstream medicine, and its benefits have become a topic...

How Acupuncture Eases Your Pain

In the last forty years, science has made great strides in understanding the connection between acupuncture therapy and pain. Specifically, research has focused on the effects of acupuncture, especially where pain and analgesics are concerned. Traditional Chinese...